8 Simple Meatless Monday Substitutions

Meatless Monday is a wonderful movement that was started in 2003. It aims to inspire people to drop meat from their diet just one day a week — Monday! 

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As a long-time vegetarian, this seems pretty simple to me, but as a Wisconsinite, I know very well that vegetarianism is frequently misunderstood (we don’t just eat salads and tofu). I also understand that some find it daunting or boring (it certainly doesn’t need to be!). If you’d love to join the movement, but aren’t sure where to make changes, here are some simple substitutions to make your Monday meals meatless. 

At a restaurant:

  1. Sub mushrooms for chicken or steak.
    This is a delicious alternative in pasta dishes, but can be done in wraps or sandwiches, as well. Already mushrooms in the entree? Just ask for extra!
  2. Sub tomatoes for bacon bits.
    Whether they’re on pizza or pasta, give any cheese-laden dish a tangy twist with this substitution.
  3. Sub beans or avocado for meat in Mexican-inspired cuisine.
    If the burrito sounds tasty — order it!

At home: 

4. Use red quinoa in chili.
Cook up a half cup and add it to your chili just as you would a pound of beef. By using red quinoa, the meat eaters in you house will be none-the-wiser. 

5. Looking to make tacos? Cook ½ c. of red quinoa and mix with a can of rinsed black beans, then prep as you would a pound of ground beef.
It’s a delicious, protein-packed alternative. 

6. Make fajitas with seitan.
Seitan (aka mock duck) is a simple, sliceable vegan substitute made from vital wheat gluten. You can buy it in the natural foods section at the grocery store, but it’s also simple and inexpensive to make. I make it and freeze half the batch using this recipe by Bob’s Red Mill. (Bonus: The broth makes an awesome French onion soup!)

7. Tried making veggie burgers but they just fell apart? Add vital wheat gluten to your recipe.
Start by adding ¼ c. and mix well. You’ll be able to tell if you’ve used enough when they start to bind a bit better.

8. Looking to make your favorite hamburger casserole? Try using TVP instead of ground beef.
TVP (textured vegetable protein) can be purchased in your grocer’s freezer aisle or you can buy dried TVP by Bob’s Red Mill and rehydrate (this is also more cost effective).

Going meatless — even just one day a week — has a number of benefits to your health and to the health of the planet. For more information, visit meatlessmonday.com

What’s your favorite meatless recipe? I’d love to hear about it in the comments below!

Good luck and enjoy!

— Funky Crunchy Mama

Melissa (aka Funky Crunchy Mama) is always looking for fun, frugal ways to make life easier and help her accomplish this goal. In her (limited) free time, she loves to write and craft in her wool-filled dungeon.
Posts created 122

14 thoughts on “8 Simple Meatless Monday Substitutions

  1. One of our favorite meatless meals is a black bean/sweet potato quesadilla. V always takes leftovers to school the next day. So good!! We also have a autumn veggie soup with kale, mushrooms, sweet potatoes (and a bunch of other veg) that’s a big hit!

  2. Great substitutions! My teen-aged son loves when I make black bean and cabbage burritos. He never misses the meat! I’m definitely a mushroom lover, so I totally dig that option!

  3. I”ve seen recipes with red quinoa, and now I know more about why to include that for a meatless meal. Definitely going to pick up some of it. Sadly, we don’t do gluten or soy, and one eater doesn’t like mushrooms. Makes meal prep an adventure! But everyone loves beans, whew!

  4. Great suggestions! I’m meatless every day, every meal. However we have to start somewhere! Going meatless one or two days a week is a great beginning.

  5. Great tips to health up the week! We grill a LOT of veg and honestly, they are so flavorful you sure don’t need meat to go with them. Thanks so much for sharing 🙂

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