Six Super Fun Wooden Toddler Toys

I have a real internal struggle with buying my children new toys. I generally aim to purchase items secondhand as I hate to increase our environmental footprint, however, I know that grandparents, aunts and uncles, and friends love to buy my kids toys. While most have accepted that I’d prefer secondhand for random gifting, they like to buy things new for birthdays and winter time holidays, so for these occasions, we tend to recommend purchasing wooden toys. Here are some of our toddler’s favorites.

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Castle (Melissa & Doug)

This castle has supplied our daughter with endless hours of entertainment. The design itself is fairly simple; it doesn’t come with any furniture or fixtures for the rooms, but she can easily reinvent activities involving the trap door, the sliding gate, or use a piece of felt to create a pasture or berry field for the characters to use in their activities (furniture and additional characters can be purchased separately).

This castle comes in two sizes; ours has the largest footprint, as it replaced her toybox when she moved her into her new room, but there is a smaller size which can easily be closed and stored in the closet, if desired.

Kitchen (Hape)

We do not have a very large home, nor kitchen, so when it came to buying this childhood staple, we wanted something with a small footprint and preferably without any obnoxious colors.

This one is about as small as you can find, has a neutral palette, and offers a fair amount of storage space for kitchen-related toys, like…

Fruits and veggies (Melissa & Doug)

These are great sets for any eager future chef or picnic planner. They come with cutting boards, knives, bread, and a variety of fruits or veggies. Best part? Simple ingredients inspire healthy eating habits. 🙂

Activity cube (Battatt aka B)

We love this activity cube by B! It’s perfect for the baby to toddler transition and for helping with fine motor skill development. Each side has different activities involving animals and/or the alphabet so it’s sure to keep your little’s attention longer than the average toy (maybe you can even get dinner made!). It’s also sturdy enough to for them to lean on as they learn to stand and walk. 

Uncle goose blocks

These beautiful, whimsical little cubes are made in Michigan with childsafe dyes and paints. Blocks come in a variety of offerings including foreign languages and the sciences. The company also has a memory game which I may need to purchase for my daughter for an upcoming holiday. 🙂

Zimbbos! (Blue Orange)

This is one circus I can get behind!

I didn’t think I’d get to play games with my kids until they were a bit older, but this game is perfect for toddlers and for learning how to follow rules. It’s a simple stacking concept with one die and three kinds of pieces. I’m pretty sure we played it for three days straight after it joined our collection.

I hope you’ve found something for the little in your life!

What are your little’s favorite wooden toys?

— Funky Crunchy Mama

Melissa (aka Funky Crunchy Mama) is always looking for fun, frugal ways to make life easier and help her accomplish this goal. In her (limited) free time, she loves to write and craft in her wool-filled dungeon.
Posts created 122

3 thoughts on “Six Super Fun Wooden Toddler Toys

  1. Plain wood blocks were and ARE huge in our house. They’ve been playing with them since toddlerhood but they still have the same appeal – building interesting structures and who can make the highest tower before it topples are still fun games even at 11 and 9.

    And while they are plastic, magnatiles are another toy that seems to hold its appeal FOREVER. Abram received a set when he was three and they are still played with regularly.

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